This world is densely populated and grows at a rate of 20 million pages a day.

Pianeta finitura

Here nothing is completed until it is finished: thousands of copies of books per day take shape one by one.

Here are the rules and controls that are the basis of the production of more than a million envelopes per day.

This world is densely populated and grows at a rate of 20 million pages a day.

Pianeta finitura

Here nothing is completed until it is finished: thousands of copies of books per day take shape one by one.

Here are the rules and controls that are the basis of the production of more than a million envelopes per day.


We are able to manage daily volumes of data
to transform them into communications.
From infinitesimal niche to big data,
from document design to mailing.

We offer tailor made solutions that
universally meet the needs of the book market.
For example optimizing print jobs, from
micro editions to single copy.

Customized printing of roll labels.

So many efficient and unique services
for Onlus and non-profit organizations.

Out of home advertising will never
be the same again. Thanks to the re-engineering
of the entire bill posting process and the application
developed by our IT team.